Transnational Youth Forum 2022: Climate Change, Global Concerns and Impact on the Rights of the Future Generations
Partecipanti al progetto
- Long Joëlle (Responsabile)
Descrizione del progetto
The last years, Climate change has become one of the high priorities on the global policy agenda and has been
extensively discussed in Forums by scientists, politicians, specialists on the area and representatives of Governmental and Non-Governmental organisations with expertise on the field. The ongoing increase of consequences caused by Climate change affecting various aspects of everyday life highlights the urgent need of gathering scientists and member states in a common effort of taking immediate actions.
Climate change has already had observable effects on the environment, and there is a widespread consensus that these impacts threaten the enjoyment and respect of human rights not only of the current generations but also of the future generations. In accordance with the concept of inter-generational justice and inter-generational equity, the worldwide academic debate recognizes the importance of adapting a human-rights based approach to climate change, taking into consideration also members of the future generations who won’t be able to enjoy a number of their fundamental rights. In this regard, there is a need to readdress policies and actions in order for the states to respect their obligations on human rights principles: to respect, protect and fulfil.
The participating universities and organisations of the proposed project are coming from European countries that as
Member States have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen Agreement and the Paris Agreement, adhering in the worldwide actions to respond to climate change challenges. Considering this, this project has been developed because it is imperative for the members of the civil society and particularly youth to take action, participate in climate change reforms and to be educated on the climate change and its intrinsic link with human rights.
Since in the Preamble of the Paris Agreement is affirmed “the importance of education, training, public awareness public participation, public access to information and cooperation at all levels” on climate change and it is also underlined that each Party of the Agreement “while taking action to address climate change” should “respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights...” it is fundamental for civil society organisations to contribute to the observance of these statements by all actors. It is also essential to focus on the lack of attention in international, regional and national legislative instruments to human rights and the rights of the future generations in the context of climate change.
Consequently, education and awareness could have a positive effect on society, letting them participate actively to the problem and collaborate in finding new possible solutions that include human rights aspects.
Taking into consideration the above Agreements, as well as the EU Youth Strategy 2019- 2027 and particularly the
following European Youth Goals: 4. Information & Constructing Dialogue and 10. Sustainable Green Europe, this project aims to bring together young participants from different countries who will enter into discussion and who will conduct research with the guidance and support of their academics, the involvement of specialists with experience on the field of Climate change and human rights and policy makers in order to identify and analyse in deep all main aspects of the project.
The objective of the project is closely linked to the objectives of Information and Constructing Dialogue and of Sustainable Green Europe in the field of youth as they:
- Provide to the young people, aged (16-30), the opportunity to discuss the challenges posed by climate change to human rights and the rights of the future generations with experts, academics and specialists; exchange experience and provide suggestions.
- Reveal the existing lack of protection of human rights and rights of the future generations in the international, regional and national legislation in the context of climate change actions.
- Prepare and propose recommendations for policy reforms at the national and European level.
- Promote the active participation of youth in democratic life and build online coordinated actions.
- Build a transnational network of young people who will participate actively in policy reforms on a long-term period, and who will contribute to raise awareness on the importance of implementing a human rights-based approach in the context of climate change.
This project is proposed in the framework of the Chair Programme. The Universities and organisations involved in the said project are well connected with stakeholders and policy-makers in their countries which will allow to provide a well-supported and in deep research throughout the project.