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Against human trafficking: strategie innovative di contrasto alla tratta in Piemonte

Against human trafficking: innovative strategies to fight against human trafficking in Piedmont

Programma di ricerca
Contributi ordinari 2016
Ente finanziatore
Fondazione CRT
Settore ERC
SH2_1 - Political systems, governance
SH2_8 - Big data in political and legal studies
20/03/2017 - 16/07/2019
Cecilia Blengino

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

human trafficking image

  • Abstract:

Italy  is a destination country for women, children, and men subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Referring to the Piedmont area, victims originate from Nigeria, Romania, Morocco, China, and other countries. Female victims are often subjected to sex trafficking in Italy after accepting promises of employment as waitresses, dancers, singers, models, or caregivers. Nigerian women and girls are subjected to sex and labor trafficking through debt bondage and coercion through voodoo rituals

The project pursues three complementary aims:

1. the urgent need to develop innovative activities in combating trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation;
2. the need to collect data to properly understand the phenomenon;
3. the need to train future legal practitioners aware, prepared to act in this context and motivated to act for social justice and respect for rights that are denied.

The collection of real data on the territory is essential: the official data do not allow the full understanding of a phenomenon mostly submerged. To steal the victims from the influence of the exploiter is also indispensable a qualified legal support and the sharing of best practices among stakeholders.

This could be promoted by the new "HUMAN TRAFFICKING CLINIC".

Representing an innovative strategy to address the lack of resources, the method of legal clinic education allows students to apply what they studied, simultaneously giving support  to NGO's operators involved in the  contrast of human trafficking. For this reason the project aims to

  • Consortium:

Coordinator of the project: Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Università di Torino


  • International University College - IUC.
  • PIAM Onlus - Progetto Integrazione Accoglienza Migranti.
  • Gruppo Abele.

Risultati e pubblicazioni

The project is progressing. Guidelines, a publication and public events are expected.

Already happened: National meeting "COMPLESSITA' IN MOVIMENTO. INTERVENTI E POLITICHE CONTRO LA TRATTA DI ESSERI UMANI: SIAMO AD UN PUNTO DI SVOLTA" organized together with the italian  network against trafficking of human beings (Piattaforma Nazionale Antitratta) on 15 and 16 June 2017 in Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi Lungo Dora Siena, 100/A.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/07/2022 15:38
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