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Hub2-4EGE For an Effective Gender Equality: certification and other best practices

Programma di ricerca
Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2023-2027
Ente finanziatore
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
01/12/2023 - 01/12/2026
Eva Raffaella Desana

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

The research project – coordinated by Professor Eva Raffaella Desana – is part of Hub 2 Gender and Social Sustainability of the Department of Law of the University of Turin.The project is characterized by interdisciplinarity and involves contributions from multiple fields of legal knowledge (business law, labor law, tax law, philosophy of law) and economics (political economy).

It pursues, with the concurrence of multiple partners and stakeholders, the following specific objectives:

1) evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the gender equality certification, by assessing several critical profiles of it and, more specifically:a) the examination of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provided by the Italian UniPDR 125:2022 guidelines;b) the effectiveness of the control system of gender equality bodies and trade union representatives at company level;c) the adequacy of the rewards (introduced by art. 5 l. 162/2021) and of the economic and regulatory incentives provided by the public procurement code (art. 108, par. 7, Legislative Decree no. 36 /2023);

2) assessment of any tax incentives to be adopted for the achievement of gender certification, examining the following aspects: a) assessment of the effects that may result from the use, for the purpose, of tax incentives generically understood; b) identification, among the 12 possible uses of the tax instrument, of the most suitable ones, in order to better pursuit the objective and to minimize risks and negative externalities (“pink washing” among the others);

3) linking the improved implementation of the gender equality certification with other proposals for regulatory intervention, favouring a holistic approach, similar to the experiences of other countries, such as France, which recently adopted the Loi Rixain n° 2021-1774 giving rise to a systematic approach to the issue;

4) develop proposals of gender equality best practices as different, more streamlined procedures to be adopted on a voluntary basis.

Research members:
Eva Raffaella Desana
Daniela Izzi
Marina della Giusta
Stefania Gianoncelli
Mariapaola Aimo
Anna Fenoglio
Maria Borrello
Tullia Penna
Riccardo Russo

Marta Marotta
Edoardo Leoni
Giulia Proietti


UNI - Italian Organization for Standardization
SOGEI s.p.a.
CSI Piemonte
Torino Città per le Donne
Consigliera di Parità della Regione Piemonte


Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/11/2024 17:05
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