Eradicating JUdicial STEreotypes and gender discriminatory language. EQUAL access to justice for women in cases of gender-based violence - JUSTEqual
Eradicating JUdicial STEreotypes and gender discriminatory language. EQUAL access to justice for women in cases of gender-based violence - JUSTEqual
Partecipanti al progetto
- Long Joëlle (Responsabile)
- Cabiale Andrea (Collaboratore)
- Zottola Angela (Collaboratore)
- Tricomi Virginia (Collaboratore)
- Torrioni Paola Maria (Collaboratore)
- Zara Georgia (Collaboratore)
- Freilone Franco (Collaboratore)
- Di Tella Maria Laura (Collaboratore)
- Di Caro Luigi (Collaboratore)
- Tognatti Erika (Collaboratore)
Descrizione del progetto
Addressing the persistent issues highlighted at national and international level (CEDAW Committee/2017, GREVIO report on Italy/2020, European Court of Human Rights/2021 and 2022, and Italian Parliamentary Commission on Femicide/2022), JUSTEqual aims to actively contribute to the eradication of gender stereotypes and discriminatory language within the Italian legal system.
Specifically, the objective is to ensure that women who suffered gender-based violence are not re-victimised through the use of discriminatory language and gender stereotypes not only in criminal law but also in family law. In fact, while the criminal response to gender-based violence is deemed crucial, and there is increased awareness of the risk of re-victimization of women during criminal proceedings, family law is often overlooked despite being the primary context where women seek remedy, notably through divorce proceedings and termination of parental responsibility.
JUSTEqual integrates linguistic, IT and psycho-sociological methods:
• Analyzing family and criminal judicial documents related to gender-based violence, in collaboration with legal associations and organisations supporting women who experienced violence, in order to identify embedded sexist language and gender stereotypes.
• Interview legal professionals, including judges, lawyers and forensic psychologists in order to assess personal views on gender roles and language.
• Develop a Psychological Wordometer to enable legal professionals to self-assess and thereby raise awareness of internalised gender stereotypes within the legal system.
• Create a specific training programme, (Massive Open Online Course-MOOC), in order to enable legal professionals to manage personal biases and improve the use of inclusive language in legal documents.
While grounded in Italy, JUSTEqual engages with a network of European universities and international institutions to create a replicable framework for positive change in legal practice across Europe.
- Di.Re- Donne in Rete contro la Violenza
- MD - Magistratura Democratica
- Associazione Volontarie del Telefono Rosa Piemonte - Torino
- Osservatorio Nazionale di Diritto di Famiglia
- Unione delle Camere Penali
- Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte
- Council of Europe - HELP project
- Faculty of Law - University of Antwerpen
- Institut Fédératif de recherches sur les Transitions Juridiques, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
- Institute of International Social Studies Education Tallinn University
- Faculty of Arts, School of English, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)